Hummus and Mushroom Toast

But where do you get your protein?
This is the question that all vegetarians get at some point, sometimes over and over again. There are many sources of plant-based protein, including beans, nuts, certain grains, and for some, dairy products. This meal features hummus, which is made of chickpeas, tahini (sesame paste), garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. We like to add cumin as well. Chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans or chana) are legumes that are full of protein and fibre, as well as some minerals like folate, iron and manganese. We cook chickpeas in the Instant Pot twice a week, and always have hummus on hand.

hummus and mushroom toast

For this simple lunch, Mr. O baked homemade bread with Mom’s help, toasted it and topped it with hummus and sauteed mushrooms and onions. It was so good and filling!

Recipes we used:
We didn’t use a recipe for the mushrooms, so we’ll describe it below.

baking bread

It was cold and slushy outside the other day, so Mr. O helped Mom bake some bread. Is there anything better than a jammie day?

home baked bread!

This bread recipe is SO flexible and easy! We used half whole wheat and half unbleached flour from Hungry Frog Organics and made it into Italian style loaves. For the toast, we sliced two pieces for each person and put them on a baking sheet in the oven. We warmed them on 350F while Mr. O prepared the mushrooms. Keep an eye on the toast and pull it out when it’s just lightly toasted.

preparing the hummus

Mr. O made hummus in the food processor. Here he is adding olive oil through the hopper while it blends.

growing king oyster mushrooms

We grew King Oyster mushrooms on our kitchen counter! How cool is that? We used a kit from Grow Mushrooms Canada on Vancouver Island. We probably should have harvested them a few days earlier than we did, but life is busy! They were amazingly delicious regardless.

chopping the mushrooms

Mr. O roughly chopped about 4 cups of mushrooms (any variety or a mix would be great) and one small onion (a couple of shallots would work well too). If your hummus is not super garlicky, add a crushed clove as well. We triple the garlic in the hummus recipe, so garlic in the mushrooms isn’t necessary for us!

adding thyme

He popped the mushrooms and onion into a pan heated on medium with a squirt of olive oil. He crumbled in some thyme leaves and sage from our garden that we dried in the fall, as well as a sprinkle of salt. Any salt will do, but he used Smoked Garlic Salt from Om Naturale in Armstrong.

frying mushrooms

He stirred the mushroom mixture to make sure it cooked evenly. Once it was almost done cooking, he put a teaspoon or two of vegan margarine in (butter would be even better if you eat dairy) and stirred it up for two or three minutes, then took the pan off the heat.

cooked mushrooms

The cooked mushrooms. Is your mouth watering yet?

hummus on toast

When everything was ready, Mr. O spread some hummus on each slice of toast, then piled the mushroom mixture on top.

hummus and mushroom toast

It was so yummy! Add a salad and it could be a quick and healthy dinner. What do you think? Would you try it?

Did you try this recipe? Tag your photos on instagram with #kidscookforclimatechange or post to our facebook group, Veggies Save the World!. Mr. O loves to see and share your kitchen creations!!

We are not affiliated with any of the recipe sites, blogs or food companies mentioned in this post. We just love sharing our favourites with you!

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